Am 27.05.2023 ist das Kyiv Symphony Orchestra in Gera zu Gast und spielt live zum Stummfilm Metropolis unter der Leitung von Luigi Gaggero.
Im Juni 2022 fand das ukrainische Orchester in Gera eine neue Heimat und die Möglichkeit für dieses einmalige Konzertereignis zu proben.
Über das Kyiv Symphony Orchestra:
"Founded in 1979, the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra has become in recent years one of the most interesting cultural actors in its Country. From the Orchestra's union with the Italian conductor Luigi Gaggero was born a rare fusion of sensual Ukrainian musicality and Western analytical attitude. Each concert is constructed as an exciting journey through works from different periods and styles, threaded together by common themes and influences." (
Filmmusik: Gottfried Huppertz / Berndt Heller (Bearb.)
Live-Musik: Kyiv Symphony Orchestra / Luigi Gaggero (Ltg.)
27. Mai um 19:30 Uhr
Weitere Infos und Tickets